

人气:439 ℃/2023-04-12 07:42:54






B:What's for dinner today, honey?

C:I'm making dumplings.

B: Wonderful. What would you like me to do?

C: You prepare the fillings. Chop the filling ingredients and then mix a variety of vegetables into the pork well. Don't forget to add some salt to the stuffing.

B: OK. Oh. you are rolling the dumpling wrappers. That is the tricky part. It's best to get them pretty thin, right?

After the fillings and wrappers have been prepared

C: We're filling the dumplings now. Just put a small amount off fillings on the wrapper and then fold the edges of the wrapper together to form a half-moon shape, and press the edges togetherwell.

B: Oh, it's important to seal the edges appropriately. Otherwise, the dumplings may lose their fillings when you cook them.

C: You get it. So, let's be careful.

While dumplings are boiling

B: How soon will they be ready?

C: Very soon, please set the table.


Bryan和Cherry下班后来到酒吧放松。 Bryan不常去酒吧,而Cherry喜欢和一群朋友来酒吧消遣,今天他们来到了一家新开的酒吧。



B: Where is a good place to have a drink and relax?

C: We're going to the newly opened pub tonight.

B: What is the specialty about that pub?

C: They have selection of beers from all over the world. If you love beer, don't miss it. And their live band is excellent. Do you know who is the singer? Mike! Would you like to come with usto the bar for a drink?

B: Sure.

ln the bar

C: I'II buy you a drink.

B: Thanks. What would you like to have?

C: Cocktail.

B: I will have one, too.

C: OK, waitress, make it two, please.

B: Actually, I don't drink alcohol usually. It makes my face turn red. Do you often come to bars?

C: Yes. I think drinking is just part of it. A bunch3 of friends come to have fun, drink, talk and dance. It delights me. Look, everybody's dancing. Let's join them.





C: Look. the pizza shop which opened yesterday is really crowded.

B: Yeah. The food here must be delicious.

C: I want to have a try.

B: You know fast food isn't healthy enough. li does not compose a bed diet and is low in nutrition.

C: But it is quick and convenient. You know, fast-food culture is popular nowadays. In a fast-food restaurant, your food would be ready in a minute. Many people don't want to waste their timein waiting for food. They want the food brought to them as soon as possible.

B: Yeah. It doesn't matter that we have it only once in a while.

C: Great.

While they 're eating

B: How do you like the pizza here'?

C: It really hits the spot.

B: My Hawaiian pizza tastes good. Have a taste.

C: En.... It's great.

B: How do you think about the chicken wings?

C: Great. It's my cup of tea.

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