

人气:282 ℃/2023-08-07 06:10:08



My father is a big man. He is very strict with me. A few months ago, when I bought a computer at home, my father supervised my study every day and told me to make good use of my time, tolearn easily and to play happily. The eye is the window of the heart. Protect your own eyes. Dad has a pair of black and bright eyes, is a very handsome person.

Today, its fathers day. After work, I brought my father a cup of tea and said to him, "you have worked hard, and I wish you a happy holiday!" Dad smiled.




In my dearest memories have so a person, or standing or bend, have impression has been etched deeply in my heart.

The man has a thin white hair, round face was full of years trace, fat body is very thick, the shoulder is very wide, like a can rely on the mountain. This man is the pillar of my home, Ithe most dear father.

"Dad" is a good word, called "BaBa" when I was a kid, that’s my favorite food, is also he gave me his family of food and clothing.

Dad always love "nag".

See at most as a child is the father of my cousin and cousin, talking about some life planning.

Because my cousin and cousin are bigger than me, than I’ll consider some problems naturally.

Sometimes annoyed me and my brother elder sister is not his children, he was so concerned about what to do.

But I am afraid to speak these words, and he is still like a father taught his children.

Later grew up some, when they talk about again, I will be listening in.

Looking daddy serious faces and brother elder sister to admire eyes, suddenly understand why dad in our this generation of children is more popular, it is a kind of unconscious on trustbetween power.













My father is very busy, away from work and the father is still in the office writing files, father is such a meticulous person, "looking angrily condemned to refer, head bowed as a willingox." Describe the good father. He would no longer go dozens of miles to the county for the people, and stay until twelve o ’clock in the evening; Night, write files to the government, for thegovernment to understand the livelihood of the people.

Once, my father became a director, although officer level, but much a pressure. Because my father didn’t study hard at school. Not typing on the computer, and can’t pay. Father is a man ofstrong will to win the heart, so my father to pay documents, from sitting in the office after work at night without eating, always learn typing learned finally learned to typing at four o’clock in the morning, at 6 o ’clock in the morning working on a file, in a hurry to hand in the file. Look at his father’s face, my tears flow out. And I have such a good conditions don’tstudy hard, I was determined; Be sure to let dad happy with excellent results.

This time, I am more determined to study hard, my father came back home have a dinner party in the evening at eleven o ’clock at night, suddenly a leader called and said something to letfather followed to I have been sitting on the sofa waiting for his father to midnight father called let me stop waiting for him to sleep, but my father don’t come back then I can’t sleep, atfour o ’clock in the morning I finally could not help but make a phone call to my father, and my father is over there’s answer is: "don’t wait, I have work tomorrow you have class, sleepfast." The telephone this head I’ve cried. Father the telephone. At six o ’clock in the morning my father still uneasy, do to return home, his father saw I sleep and then go to work. Gets upearly because I had during morning independent study I saw a note on the table after reading: the kitchen soya-bean milk have been hot, and baked wheat cake. I saw this, cry again. I havefinished to do later I learned that my father bought me a breakfast again.

My father is such a considerate person.

Thank you, dad.







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