

人气:140 ℃/2021-12-05 17:26:48



a: how could we advertise our celebrations to mark the centenary of the founding of the university?

B; I’m sure we could get one or two tv companies to come in. perhaps the president could invite them and do an interview.

A: that’s a good idea. We could put up some posters in and around the campus with a list of events. It would be quite cheap to do on the campus.

B: it will be expensive to do outside the campus. Perhaps we could arrange for some sponsorship.

A: we could contact alumni who work for large, well-know companies. They might be able to arrange cheap advertising in exchange for some free tickets.

B; good thinking! We should also print some leaflets for students to distribute.

A: we should put some infomp3ation about it on the home page of our university website. When people visit the website, they’ll see the infomp3ation.

B: we could take out some advertisements to local newspapers. I checked the prices and they are reasonable.

A; ok. Let’s get to work on our advertising campaign.


A: there are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs.

B: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans.

A; I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more.

B; I see your point, but if companies didn’t spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some fomp3 of advertising can be annoying. I don’t like it whenpeople try to give you leaflets with infomp3ation about products you have no intention of buying.

A; I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway.

B; yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can’t avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign.

A; I like that too. I don’t like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don’t buy a certain product, you’re not cool or modern or efficient or something.

B: that kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.


Our company is thinking of telecasting an advertisement at the Central Television Station. Is it all right?


Sure, when do you plan to telecast?


Our products have already begun selling in China. In order to let everyone know about our products, the time of telecast should be as early as possible.


You have contacted us too late, there will be difficulty in making the arrangements immediately.



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