

人气:190 ℃/2023-11-29 06:52:06



Today is world sight day, in this world sight day coming, I hope called on everyone to pay attention to the eyes, eye protection, don't let an eye myopia. It what to do?

First, the proper use of the eyes to prevent myopia. Bad habits with the eye, can cause eye fatigue, lead to myopia. If the reading writing posture is bad, too close, time is too long, badlight, etc. To prevent myopia, it should be scientific, with the eye to read and write to correct posture, the distance between eyes and books must keep 33 cm; Read and write 1 hour or so tohave a rest in a row, or to look for a moment in the distance. Don't read and write under insufficient light or direct sunlight; L don't lie on the bed or on the walk, ride when reading a book.

Second, in the process of learning, pay attention to the mix. Stick to do eye exercises twice a day, more than take part in physical exercise, such as playing table tennis, can adjust theblood circulation of the eye. Every day to have enough sleep time, at least 9 to 10 hours. Don't watch TV time is too long, the eyes and the distance from the TV should be more than 2 meters.

In the end, still should do about health, love clean, wash your hands often and don't rub your eyes; Towels, wash basin, handkerchief, appliance be separate and adults; Eye drops afterswimming. Strengthening the prevention of infectious eye disease, if once contracted infectious eye disease, should be timely treatment.

These, my world sight day calls for, hope everyone can attaches great importance to the problem of the eye, let oneself have a pair of bright eyes.







Eye is the window of our mind.We use our eyes to see everything around us.Without eyes,nothing is left beside you but darkness.So it's very important for us to protect our eyes.

How to protect our eyes?At first,we should not use eyes for a long time.we should keep a distance of one foot when we arereading books.Second,don’t read in the sun or in the dark light orwhen we are on a bus or in the bed.Third,we'd better keep doing eye exercises .At last,eat more healthy food,especially green vegetables.

Follow my advice and form a good habit.It’s time for us to say goodbye to thick glasses.

On September 25, 1992, tianjin medical university, professor of ophthalmology Wang Yanhua and professor of epidemiology at GengGuan to national initiative for the first time, and was held intianjin first seminar held across the country. The initiative response by educational circles and eye eye experts, decided on May 5, every year for the "national sight day". On May 5, 1993,tianjin held promotional activities for the first time.

Affected by this, starting in 1994, Beijing, Shanghai, guangzhou and other domestic large and medium-sized cities have yizhen advisory activities on May 5, publicity of the significance ofsight day at the same time.

In 1996, the state ministry of health, the ministry of education, central, China disabled persons' federation and other 12 ministries jointly issued a circular, will held activities listed asone of the national holiday, and reschedule on June 6 for "national sight day" every year.




he sight day is celebrated on each year on 6 June, but the day first commemorated on May 5th, 1993, and it is first proposed by Wang yanhua, a professor ophthalmology in the Medicaluniversity of Tianjin. The professor Wang proposed the day for asking people to take care of their eyes, his proposal got high praise by the others. Then, in 1996, 12 ministries, involved inthe National Ministry of Healthy, the National Ministry of education, the League Central Committee, China Disabled persons federation CDPF and other ministries jointly announced that thesight day listed as a national day, and commemorated the day on June 6th.


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