

人气:276 ℃/2022-11-27 09:35:18

英语单词被称为是英语的细胞,它是组成英语学习的重要部分。随着经济全球化的不断发展,西方国家与中国的关系越来越紧密,人们越来越意识到学习英语的重要性,而初中英语的学习往往是在打基础,下面小编分享给你们,希望对你们有用。 如下: 1 At what time I pick you up from your hotel? 我几点钟从酒店接你? 2 Do I need send you back to your hotel? 我要送你回酒店吗? 3 You look nice! 你看出来很精神 4 I saw you last time 我上次见过你 5 I quit/resign because I dislike here 因为我不喜欢这里,所以我辞工 6 Can I get the yearly-end-award if I join your company? 如果我加入贵司的话,我能拿到年终奖吗? 7 Can I enjoy the Chinese New Year holiday with salary? 我能带薪享受春节假期吗? 8 Say hello to your husband for me! 请代我向你丈夫问我 9 Don’t worry all the difficulties; I shall solve all of them one by one 别担心所有的困难,我会一个一个地把它们解决掉 10 What did you say just now? Sorry, I didn’t hear very clearly, can you repeat? 刚才你说什么来的,不好意思,我听得不是很清楚,麻烦你再重复一遍好吗? 11 You are really a good boss! 你真是个好老板 12 I believe I can build an image of “elder sister” among all the ladies. 我相信我会在那些女孩中建立一个大姐的形象的。 13 So when should I start to sign this contract? 那么我何时开始签这个合同呢? 14 If three months later, my English is still poor, can you give me a translator? 如果三个月之后我的英语还不是很好的话,可以给我配一个翻译吗? 15 If you smile to people, they will also smile to you. 你果你面带笑容,别人也会对你露出笑容。 16 Sorry, I don’t understand what you are talking about? 对不起,我不明你在说什么? 17 I know the language is my biggest problem, but I have powerful experience in this field. Besides, I will keep studying English day after day. 我知道语言是我最大的障碍,但是我的工作经验很丰富,而且,我会坚待天天学英语。 18 I think I will try my best to cooperate with you and I believe I can do a good job ! 我想我会尽力与你合作,而且我相信我一定会表现得很出色。 19 To summarize, my job should focus on 4 points: First, to follow the production; Second, to check the quality, Third, to search the supplier, And finally, to supervise all the office staff 那么我的工作归纳起来有四点: 跟生产; 查质量; 找供应商; 管理所有办公室人员. 20 No matter what people say about me, one thing is quite obvious, I did an excellent job. 不管别人说我什么,有一点是很明显的,我做出了出绩。 21 In my opinion, everybody should be responsible for their jobs. 从我的观点来看,每个人都应对自己的工作负责. 22 It is obligatory /compulsory that you assign one person to stay with us. 你必须派一个人和我们一起. 23I’m sorry I forgot to tell you 不好意思,我忘记告诉你了 24 I’m sorry I didn’t mean to offend you 不好意思我不是太意冒犯你的 25I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you 对不起,我不是故意伤害你的 26 Follow me, then you will succeed 跟随我,你就会成功 27 Believe me or not, it’s up to you, I don’t want to talk too much 信不信由你,我不想说太多 28 I agree that what you said really make sense 我同意你所说的有道理 29 as a matter of fact, everyone has his advantage and disadvantage. 事实上,每个人都有他的长处我短处 30 Love and job are equally important 爱情与事业同等重要 31 Before I always lost my temper, but now, I gradually keep calm 以上我总是发脾气,但是现在我渐渐保持冷静 32 I prefer living and eating in the factory 我喜欢吃住都在厂 33 We start to work at eight o’clock in the morning and finish at five o’clock in the afternoon. 我们早上8点上班,下午5点下班 34 Do I need to work overtime quite often or just sometimes ? 我是经常要加班还是只是偶尔。 35 How many people are there in the office ? 办公室有多少个人呢? 36 Sorry, it’s my fault, I apologize to you ! 对不起,我错了,我向你道歉 37 I’m afraid I can not get along with her very well. 恐怕我与她相处不好。 38I understand, and I will not disappoint you 我明白,我不会让你失望的。 39 Why don’t you tell me earlier? 你为什么不早点告诉我呢? 40 We must make sure the exhibition goes well 我们必须保证展览会效果好. 41 Don’t hesitate to ask me 别犹豫问我 42 I get up at six o’clock in the morning and then take bus for one hour to the office. 我6点就起床,然后坐一个小时的车去上班。 43 Sorry, I distracted your attention. 对不起,我分散了你的注意力。 44 We have good quality and nice style. 我们的质量很好,款式也不错。 45 Now I speak very slowly, but step by step, I will speak quite fluently one day. 现在我讲得很慢,但是一步一步地,总有一天我会讲得很流利。 46 Normally, I don’t complain too much about my job. 通常来讲,我会太抱怨我的工作。 47 Are you going to meet me tonight ? 今晚你会来见我吗? 48 Would you like some coffee? And how about chocolate? 你要点咖啡吗?还有巧克力呢? 49 I heard that she is a university student and her English is really amazing! 我听说她是大学生而且英语很棒。 50)Oh, sunny day, fantastic !哦,天晴了,太好了! 51, Good employee does not always match with good boss. 好员工不一定能找到好老板 52, coming is easy, going is difficult! 进来容易,出来太难 53, the man is too disgusting, what’s more, he got quite rotten temper and rude behavior. 那个人太恶心了,而且,一幅烂脾气,再加上行为粗鲁 54, Salary is important, but mood and treatment are also important. 工资重要,但心情与待遇也重要 55, You must promise me to meet my requirement, otherwise, I go away immediately 你必需承诺满足我的要求,否则,我马上就走. 56,If I am able to work here, I can also find another job in somewhere. 如果我能在这里工用,那就证明我在其它地方也能找到工作。 57, Salary is the direct judgment for boss to employee. 工资是老板对员工的直接肯定 58, If no development, not necessary to stay here. 如果没发展,没必要呆在这里。 59, If you really appreciate me, you should raise salary for me. 如果你欣赏我,就应该为我加薪 60, any achievement should ascribe to all the people, one person can not make any contribution. 任何成绩都应归功于大家,一个人是做不出成就的。 61,I have been working here for one year, I saw and thought a lot, so I can realize how big space I have for development. 我来了一年,所以我见过许多,想过许多,所以也意识到我在这有多大发展空间 62,if you think so, it will be likely to come true. 如果你认为是这样的话,很有可能它会变为现实。 63, My wife and I didn't get along with each other very well 我老婆和我彼相处得不是很好 64, is it already involved a third party ? 有第三者介入吗? 65, why not find a compromise? 为什么不彼此作出一些让步呢? 66,why not make a concession to her ? 为什么不对她作出让步呢? 67, I got a fever yesterday. 昨天我发烧了. 68,divorce is not good for the kids. 离婚对小孩不好. 69,never give up,i’ll come back. 永不言败,我还会回来 70,tomorrow is a sunny day, I’ll keep going ! 明天,太阳依然从东方升起,我会继续努力 71,thank you for your efforts, 谢谢你的努力! 72.I’m fed up with his horrible attitude. 我受够了他的坏脾气. 73.To celebrate the Mid-Autumn day, to welcome the National day 贺中秋,迎国庆 74.Any mastery of a true skill takes a lifelong time. 任何真正的技术都要花费一辈子才能练成。 75.Saying is easy, doing is difficult. 说来容易做来难

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