

人气:133 ℃/2022-05-05 10:49:35



my summer holiday began on july.8,i plan to go to travel in my summer holiday.i will travel to zhangjiajie.i will go there by train.i will travel with my mother and my father and otherfriends.i will travel for five days.i also plan to do my homework in my summer holiday.i think i will have a good time.


Here comes the summer holiday, I have planned a busy schedule on it.


Firstly, I will find a part time job, probably work in a factory which is near my home, so that I can accompany with my parents. Secondly, I have joined a violin course in the previous time,because I have interest on it. therefore, I will do more practice at home by myself. As an old saying goes, practice makes perfect. At the end of the holiday, it’s time for me to have a goodtime. I tend to go on a trip with my friends, maybe Yunnan or other wonderful places. Travel to the place I have never been to certainly can broaden my mine.


Make a good plan and enjoy it. I hope we all can have a meaningful holiday.



Summer vacation is coming. I am going to relax myself. I am going to visit my grandparents and stay with them for about a week. I am going to help them with the housework. Of course, I amgoing to visit my old friends and play sports with them. Besides, I am going to take a short trip to Hainan with my parents. What's more, I am going to finish doing my homework on time, reviewwhat I learnt and prepare for the new lessons. I believe I will have a busy and meaningful summer vacation.



My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I alwayswatch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.我的暑假7月7日开始。我喜欢暑假,因为我不用去学校,可以和朋友玩。我经常在上午做作业,下午在家看电视,因为外面很热。傍晚,我和家人去游泳然后和朋友去逛街。我很喜欢游泳。 My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because Ican go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it's very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.我八月份的计划是去旅游。我每个暑假都和家人去旅游。我喜欢旅游是因为我可以去不同的地方认识不同的人。有时候我在旅途中交到了好朋友。旅途结束和他们告别的时候我觉得很难过。

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