

人气:474 ℃/2022-02-05 13:35:45



Dear Sir:

I should like to apply for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries. Would you please send me the necessary application forms and anyfurther details about the scholarships.

I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and Engineering University. I major in microelectronics engineering, and do some research work during my study years. I hope to have a furtherstudy and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship.

Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

Respectfully yours,

Li Ming


Dear Dr. Gomes:

I have read the announcement of the scholarship in chemistry that the University of Colorado is offering, and I would like to submit my application.

The enclosed application form for admission to the graduate school of your university will give my educational history. However, I would like to point out that I have just received an M.S.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Growing up in a modest village in China, I hardly ever had the chance to see many examples of modern technology; people who dig wells by hand to obtain drinking wateruse ox-driven plows tocultivate their fields don’t have much use for televisiopersonal computers. But when my father gave me an old radio to play with, I wanted nothing more than to take apart the contraptionseewhat i ide made such interesting sounds. Sitting on the floor with a confused grin, surrounded by wiresmetal, I looked up at my fatheraskedthe noises were...

......I first read this paragraphMadame Curie as a 14-year-old child,I still remember how wonderful I felt. I remember thinking, "What esteemed men they were! How hard they worked!" As I grewolder, this paragraph became a source of encouragement in the face of adversity. I begin to feel a magical blue light twinkling in my heart, kindling a love of science,encouraging me to chargebravely into the unknown world.


Dear Dr. Gomes:

I have read the announcement of the scholarship in chemistry that the University of Colorado is offering, and I would like to submit my application.

The enclosed application form for admission to the graduate school of your university will give my educational history. However, I would like to point out that I have just received an M.S.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Dear Sir:

I should like to apply for one of the scholarships that your department may be offering to students from other countries. Would you please send me the necessary application forms and anyfurther details about the scholarships.

I am a postgraduate student in Beijing Science and Engineering University. I major in microelectronics engineering, and do some research work during my study years. I hope to have a furtherstudy and continue to do my research work if I succeed in obtaining the engineering scholarship.

Enclosed please find two letters of recommendation and my score report card. Thank you for your consideration. I look forward to your reply.

Respectfully yours,

Li Ming

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