

人气:273 ℃/2022-04-28 15:00:15



Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he neverdid anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling赌博 and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything exceptgambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife told him not to do it but he didn't listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and hisfriends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup拘留所, he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.

It was New Year's Day. Mr. Lang didn't go to work. He felt lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told hisfive-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn't think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and incame a few policemen.

"I saw there weren't any policemen outside, daddy," said the boy, "so I went to the crossing and asked some to come."

1. Mr. Lang was paid much because _______.

A. he was a driver

B. he worked in a factory

C. he had a lot of work to do

D. he had worked there for a long time

2. Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.

A. she couldn't find any work

B. she thought her husband was tired

C. her husband spent all time in gambling

D. she wouldn't stop her husband gambling

3. _______, so he was put into lockup.

A. Mr. Lang often gambled

B. Mr. Lang was late for work

C. Mr. Lang didn't help his wife at home

D. Mr. Lang wasn't polite to the police

4. The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.

A. he didn't love her any longer

B. he wouldn't stop gambling

C. he had been put into lockup

D. he was hardly sent away by the factory

5. Which of the following is right?

A. The boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again.

B. The boy thought his father needed some policemen.

C. The boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon.

D. The boy hoped his mother to come back.



1. C。细节题。根据第1段第2句话 As a driver, he was busy but he was paid much 可知答案为 C。

2. B。推断题。根据第1段第3句话 His wife was an able woman and did all the housework. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home 可知答案为 B。

3. A。推断题。根据 His wife told him not to do it but he didn't listen to her. She had to tell the police 可知答案为 A。

4. A。细节题。根据 …he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him可知答案为 A。

5. B。语义理解题。根据最后一句话 I saw there weren't any policeman outside, daddy, so I went to the crossing and asked some to come 可知答案为 B。

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