

人气:117 ℃/2024-04-13 20:30:44



M: Hello, is this apartment management?

W: Can I help you?

M: Yes, this is the tenant of apartment ten. I guess my kitchen sink is clogging up again, and so is the bathtub.

W: Alright. I'll send someone over tomorrow.

M: Um, I'd really appreciate it if you send someone over to fix it today. It's really a bother. I can't cook or take a shower.

W: Fine, I'll be up in a few minutes.

M: Thanks, I appreciated it.


M: So what's wrong with the drain?

W: It's clogged and water won't go down.

M: Let me take a look. You know why? It's clogged with hair. No wonder water won't go down.

W: Well, I guess people who lived here before didn't clean the bathtub.

M: You’re darn right!

W: What should I do now?

M: Don't worry, I’ve got some acid here. It will help dissolve the hair down there.

W: Ur, it stinks!

M: Now you know you have to clean your bathtub every time when you use it.


T: Don’t you have air-conditioning in your apartment? It’s sweltering here!

A: Well, there is air-conditioning. Did you see that window air conditioner there? The problem is that the window unit isn’t powerful enough.

T: I guess not, huh.

A: Well, I’m going to move out anyway. The new apartment has central air-conditioning.

T: You should have moved out long, long ago.

A: Well, I had to wait until the lease expired. So…

T: So how can you stand the heat?

A: Well, I open the windows and … and I’ve got an electric fan ere. It helps a little.


M: Has Patrick moved out yet?

K: Yes, he moved out last weekend. He’s now living in a very nice quiet neighborhood.

M: I wonder if he’s paying more for rent now.

K: I don’t have the faintest idea. Even so, it’s still worth it, isn’t it?

M: You’re right! I think he’s probably very glad to leave this noisy apartment.

K: Yes, he is. I know that for sure.


W: I am ready for a new hairdo . Do you have any suggestions?

M: Have you taken a look at any of the new styles lately?

W: Yes, I brought a magazine to show you. I like this one.

M: Oh, that's pretty. Do you wanna keep your hair this long or do you wanna take it shorter? I think you would look cute with the short hair. Perhaps you could go even shorter than in thepicture.

W: I’ll leave it up to you. Like I said I am ready for a change.

M: Ok. You should really think about getting some highlights put in, too.

W: Do you think that would look good? I am worried that it will make my hair look unnatural.

M: No, It won't. The highlights are very subtle. We can do a little bit this time. If you like it, we can do a little bit more next time. Otherwise, the highlights should grow out in aboutfour weeks.

W: Ok, just do what you want. I count on you. By the way, how much do you charge for a shampoo and set?

M: 60 dollars in total.


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