

人气:483 ℃/2024-04-12 03:22:57



M: Excuse me!

W: May I help you?

M: Yes, I'd like to send this book to France.

W: Let me weight it first. That'll be 14 dollars.

M: Can it go in an envelop?

W: Of course, it's 4 dollars now.

M: Do I need stamps?

W: No, you don't. We use computers now.

M: When will it arrive?

W: In a month.


W: Excuse me, I got a parcel arrival notice yesterday.

M: Would you show me your notice?

W: Here you are.

M: Please endorse it first. Do you have identification?

W: Yes, here is my ID card.


M: Good morning, Madam. Can I help you?

W: Yes, I’ve come to inquire about a 6,000-dollar remittance from California. Has it arrived?

M: May I have your name, please?

W: My name is Jenny Clinton.

M: I see. Wait for a moment please. I am sorry, Mrs. Clinton, but the remittance doesn't appear to have arrived yet.

W: Really? It should have arrived. It was sent a week ago.

M: If the money was sent by cable, it would have taken about one or two days. But if it was sent by airmail, it would take at least one week.

W: Well, then I'll come again the day after tomorrow.

M: Or would you like us to phone you when the money arrives?

W: That would be very kind of you.

M: Could you please tell me your phone number, so we'll give you a ring as soon as the remittance has arrived?

W: The phone number is 328 6765 extension 105.

M: Thank you. We'll inform you in time. Goodbye.


W: Hello. I am calling about the apartment you advertised.

M: Yes, what kind of apartment are you interested in?

W: I am interested in one-bedroom. Do you have any available?

M: Yes, I have one. When you need it?

W: Sometime around next week. What can you tell me about this apartment?

M: Well, It's a one-bedroom apartment. The monthly rent at 650 dollars and a 300 dollars security deposit. You pay electricity only. Gas and water is included. Both the heat and stove aregas. Let me see, what else… Oh, you'll be assigned a sheltered parking space at no extra charge. And that's propably it.

W: Sounds good. May I come over tomorrow to take a look?

M: Sure.What time would you like to come?

W: How about 10:00am?

M: Good, May I have your name, please?

W: My name is Blanca.

M: Thanks for calling, Blance. I'll see you tomorrow.


W: Gosh! The water faucet is dripping badly again.

M: You are going to have a huge bill.

W: I know. I’ve got to get it fixed asap.

M: Don't you wanna get it fixed now?

W: I wish I could, but I’ve got to go now. I have an appointment in 20 minutes.

M: Well, if you need anything, just let me know.

W: Oh, by the way, could you give me a ride? My car is still in the garage.

M: You sure have bad luck these days.


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