

人气:482 ℃/2024-04-11 02:20:00



M: Hello, may I help you?

W: Yes, I need some more cash for my visit in China. May I cash a traveler’s check here?

M: Of course. We would be happy to cash it for you.

W: I was going to cash it at the hotel, but one of my friends said that banks always give better exchange rates.

M: Well, any bank will cash it at our present traveler's check buying rate, for which we’re somewhere cheaper than hotels because of the service charge. You see, hotels really aren’t in themoney exchange business although they will cash traveler’s check for their guest.

W: You mean there is really not that much of a difference.

M: No, madam. Not very much.

W: Well, may I cash these three checks for 100 dollars each? I think that will be enough.

M: Yes, I'll be happy to cash these for you. Would you please countersign them here?

W: Ok.


W: I'd like to apply for a credit card. Can you help me with my application?

M: I'd be glad to.

W: I'm afraid that I don't have a credit history. I just came to this country.

M: Do you have an account with this bank?

W: I'm afraid not.

M: In that case I highly recommend you apply for a savings and checking account also. That would help with your credit card application.

W: What is the interest rate on your card?

M: The annual charge rate is 9.5%.

W: That's very expensive!

M: Not really. The credit card is a revolving account. You only pay interest on what you owe.

W: How does the bank bill its customers for credit card charges?

M: You will receive a monthly statement with each expenditure itemized.

W: Does the card provide any other benefits?

M: You can also get a cash advance up to 1,000 dollars on this card.


W: Hello! How can I help you, sir?

M: I want to take out a loan for school. What kind of interest rate do you offer?

W: Do you qualify for any of the Federal loan programs?

M: Yes, but I need to borrow some more money.

W: Well. In that case we can offer you a private educational loan.

M: What's the interest rate?

W: It's 7.2%, fixed-rate loan.

M: How do I go about taking it out?

W: Just fill out this application. We can let you know right away if you qualify.

M: All right, thank you!


W: The City Bank. May I help you, sir?

M: Yes, I'd like to close my account.

W: May I have your name, please?

M: Adam Smith.

W: All right. What's your address?

M: 56 Edison Ave, Apartment 39, Los Angeles.

W: When would you like your account closed?

M: Next Friday.

W: Ok. Where would you like to have your last bill be send to?

M: 14 Mayflower Ave. Los Angeles.

W: All right. We'll take care of that.


W: Would you please weight this letter for me?

M: Well, it's a bit overweight. You must pay extra for it.

W: How much?

M: We demand a surcharge of 80 cents for it.


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