

人气:121 ℃/2022-11-17 10:42:44



Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Edison lived from 1847 to 1931; he is most famous for inventing the light bulb. Benjamin Franklin lived from 1706 to 1790, and he is credited with discovering electricity.

Both men were inventors, and both were born in the United States. As children, both Franklin and Edison had limited schooling.

Both inventors are said to have self-taught themselves mostly through their love of reading.

Franklin and Edison were both interested in electricity, and I think they would have had a lot to talk about if they had ever met face-to-face.

They were different too though. They lived in very different times. While Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Edison‘s inventions and discoveries all required electrical currents: lightbulbs, microphones, phonographs, fluoroscopes, etc.


Thomas Edison and Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Edison lived from 1847 to 1931; he is most famous for inventing the light bulb. Benjamin Franklin lived from 1706 to 1790, and he is credited with discovering electricity.

Both men were inventors, and both were born in the United States. As children, both Franklin and Edison had limited schooling.

Both inventors are said to have self-taught themselves mostly through their love of reading.

Franklin and Edison were both interested in electricity, and I think they would have had a lot to talk about if they had ever met face-to-face.

They were different too though. They lived in very different times. While Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity. Edison‘s inventions and discoveries all required electrical currents: lightbulbs, microphones, phonographs, fluoroscopes, etc.


Wu Jianxiong, a female Chinese-American physicist, was born in Taicang County, Jiangsu Province on May 31st, 1912. She went to the USA for further education in 1936. Four years later, she gotthe doctor’s degree in California University. After that she received lots of doctor’s degrees in many famous universities in the USA. She devoted her life to her research in physics and wonmany prizes in the USA and all around the world. She had paid much attention to the development of science and technology in China, and she had been back to hold lectures many times since 1973.She set up a laboratory under her name in Dongnan University in 1992. On February 16th, 1997, she died of heart disease.

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