

人气:325 ℃/2021-03-28 17:07:03



As a great scientist who has won the Nobel Prize twice in her whole life, words of wisdom delivered by Madame Curie are really of value. Also it is convincing from my friends Mary'sexperience.It was last Friday when we got the math problem assigned by our teacher. Since most of us considered it beyond our power, I gave it up without second thoughts. However Mary refusedto say „no‟ so easily. She made up her mind to accept the challenge. Try as she might, the math problem seemed to be such a tough stone that nobody could move it. But Mary held the firm beliefthat she could break it through. Finally, to our surprise, she made it after another two days of hard work.Mary‟s experience again proves Madame Curie‟s words: We must believe in ourselves andwork until we succeed. It is one‟s will power and passions that matters most with which we can bravely pursue our dream.


As a great scientist who has won the Nobel Prize twice in her whole life, words of wisdom delivered by Madame Curie are really of value. Also it is convincing from my friends Mary'sexperience.It was last Friday when we got the math problem assigned by our teacher. Since most of us considered it beyond our power, I gave it up without second thoughts. However Mary refusedto say „no‟ so easily. She made up her mind to accept the challenge. Try as she might, the math problem seemed to be such a tough stone that nobody could move it. But Mary held the firm beliefthat she could break it through. Finally, to our surprise, she made it after another two days of hard work.Mary‟s experience again proves Madame Curie‟s words: We must believe in ourselves andwork until we succeed. It is one‟s will power and passions that matters most with which we can bravely pursue our dream.


Madame Curie was one of the greatest scientists in the world. She was born in 1867. She first lived in Poland, then went to France. When she was very young she was interested in science. Sheworked very hard and discovered the element radium. She received the Nobel Prizes in 1903 and in 1911.For the last ten years of her life she was almost blind. the radium with which she hadworked for many years had caused blindness and illness and finally a disease of the blood. She died in Paris at the age of 66.Today she is remembered as a great scientist. But she is alsoremembered for her determination and courage.

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