

人气:286 ℃/2024-04-29 09:24:31



My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buygames. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sportsshoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !" I was happy that day, because I went to Tianyi Square and had alot of fum.

【Winter holiday】

Winter holiday is coming. I’m going to have a busy holiday. First, I’m going to finish my homework. Then, I’m going to visit my grandparents. My grandmother is sixty-six years old. So I’mgoing to buy some gifts for my grandma. I’m going to visit my relatives in order to send them my best wishes. I’ m going to read some books in the holiday. I really want to learn more frombooks. I’m going to have a funny holiday.

【My holiday 】

My holiday was good. I stayed at home for sometime. I went to Tianyi Square and bought same games. But one day, my monther, my younger brother and I went to Tianyi digital square to buygames. And I bought a new uniform in the evening. I'd like to have a glass of apple juice my monther bought it for me. I says, " Thanks a lot. " I bought some shoes. I want a pair of sportsshoes. In the shop, the wonderful song added tour pleasure. I see the black shoes. my monther says, " There are beautiful !"


I like the summer holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, which is also a city of seashore like Haikou. I enjoyed havinga walk along the beach after supper or having a swim in the afternoon. The sky is blue, the air is fersh. Wherever you go, You can always see the green trees, the neat grasses and the colourfulflowers. They were really wonderful. Shen Zhen has a lot of tall buildings. And it is a modern city. I am planning to spend my summer holiday on sports this year. Playing basketball is alwaysmy favourite, so some of my classmates and I will form a small team and play basketball together. Sometimes we may have a match against some other teams and I do enjoy the sense when we win thegame.

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