

人气:466 ℃/2023-11-03 02:16:39



My favorite animal is pandas. He name is Beibei, he is blak and white. I like Beibei very much, becavse he is so cute, and he is kind of shy. Beibei form the China. He is five years old. Isso many people take photos with beibei. I want to see the beibei, i want to take photos with beibei. He live in the Beijing zoo.


Earth is our home, plant and animals are our friends. We cannot live without plants and animals. we should .live with them harmoniously。 But how can we do that? Here are some things that wecan do for them. Try to protect them. we should stop cutting down the trees. And stop killing the animals. we should protect their homes, and make a better Environment for them.


Our school had to give-away activity for the poor kids.Students gave away their pocket money,toys,used books and stationery to kids in need. This activity helped kids out of trouble.And itpassed on kindness to others.Helping others made me happy.This activity can help kids'lifes better. I hope you can help people in need.


Hello, everyone. My name is Andy. I am from England. I am 13. I am tall and thin. I have short hair. I live with my family in a small town by the sea. My mum is an Art teacher. My dad is adoctor. I have a sister and a brother. Every day, I go to school by bus. My favorite subjects are Math, Art and Science. I love my school because the teachers are all very friendly. My dream isto be a scientist. I am sure it .


It's you, when I'm bored, I find it, and I can relax.263y love.263y, it is China's best, publish the composition of the website.The composition of the pudding will also raise income, and itis very good.There's 263y composition, and I'm not alone anymore, and I can publish my composition here, and I can raise my income, it's one arrows.You are like the star of the sky, help mefind the way home, thank you

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