

人气:417 ℃/2021-09-26 04:11:52



"professor, i did the best i could on this test. i really don't think i deserve a zero."


"neither do i. but that's the lowest grade i'm allowed to give."



when a student failed to solve a math problem in class, he expressed his regret to his teacher. "i remember solving the problem in my dream last night, but for the time being i've forgottenit . what can that mean?"


"it means that you are more intelligent in dreams than when you are awake," the teacher explained.



walking up to a department store's fabric织物,布 counter, the pretty girl said, "i would like to buy this material for a new dress. how much does it cost?"


"only one kiss per yard," replied the male clerk with a smirk假笑,傻笑 . "that's fine," said the girl. "i'll take ten yards."


with expectation and anticipation written all over his face, the clerk quickly measured out the cloth, wrapped it up, then teasingly故意使人烦恼地 held it out.


the girl snapped up the package, pointed to the old geezer老家伙 standing beside her, and smiled, "grandpa will pay the bill.



an old couple went into a restaurant and ordered something to eat: one coca cola and one portion of french fries. the old man sat down and the woman, his wife, sat opposite him, and he beganto divide the coca cola into two glasses, half for him and half for his wife.


he divided all the french fries half-and-half. he gave half to his wife and kept half for himself. then he began to eat and drink,and the woman just drank but didn't eat.


there was a young man who was standing next to the table and wondering why the old man had divided everything in half, and he thought that maybe they didn't have any money. he said to the oldcouple, "okay, i can buy you one more portion; you don't have to share like that."


so the old man explained, "no, no, no, we have been married for forty years and we always share everything. whatever we have, we share half and half. don't worry, but thank you, anyhow."


but then after a while, he saw that the woman wasn't eating eat, and only the man ate, and he asked, "why aren't you eating?" and the wife said, "today it's his turn to use the teeth."


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